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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  March 24, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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it's the top of the hour and not a bad day's start. it's seasonal says marty. it's kristy breslin in the traffic and marty's in the weather. >> excuse me, temperatures are where they should be. we're in the 40s and that's the normal overnight low and right now, the hour before dawn. this is the oldest period of the overnight. it is a very, very normal overnight in march. taking a look at the overnight, we'll see the temperatures goosed up. 61 at lunch and on its way to 68 and the normal is 57. 65, beautiful at dinner and
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don, take it away. >> here's kristy breslin. >> well, as far as the traffic goes, not much activity on the beltway and no slow downs on the lupes and 95 is trouble free northbound and southbound and everything's moving at the posted speed. for the harrisburg expressway, easy drive and southbound, building volume and here's the travel times. 95 southbound on the northside to the toll, 54 miles per hour and about five minutes to get through. here's sandy point and we have a vehicle fire on the sandy overpass. do keep an eye on that. for the most accurate information, go to back to you. thank you, and here's what the residents are anticipating
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today. mayor stephanie rawlings-blake will reveal the budget and the cuts that go with it and she admits, they're not pretty. wjz and andrea fujii are live outside of city hall. >> good morning, everyone. the city's facing a $120 million budget short fall and the the mayor's message are making some uneasy. >> reporter: for months, the city's closing some fire companies on a rotating basis and now, there's the possibility that three fire companies will close permanently and the firefighters are sounding the alarm. those are vital services, if you cut the services, people get hurt and die. at some point, people will look around and say, what's happening to the fire department. >> reporter: today's budget proposal is expected to ground
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the police helicopter and the police commissioner says there could be hundreds of lay offs. >> that's an entire district's worth of police officers. there's only so much copy paper you can save and so much overtime you can cut from the police department and we've done our best over the past two and a half years to do that. >> reporter: mayor stephanie rawlings-blake pitched there thank you budget and everything's considered for cuts. i've said several times that this budget was not going to be fun. the cuts that will be revealed in the budget are drastic and they'll be felt throughout the city. >> reporter: still, the headers say that some points aren't negotiable. >> there are basic core functions that the government should provide and one is to protect the citizens. >> reporter: today,the mayor
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and several leaders are announcing they won't accept a pay increase, for the mayor, that's $3800. it will go back to the city. >> she'll also introduce a new package of fees and taxes. >> the preakness will be staying in maryland. the owner filed for bankruptcy last year and the auction that was set for this week is called off after mi development is going to take over. the ownership isn't changing, and a bankruptcy judge must approve the set up. we're learning more about an elderly woman found dead in her apartment this week. she died from natural causes. friends discovered her monday in an unrelated incident, her grandson was found dead the
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same day. he committed suicide and the reason isn't known. if you're hopping on the right rail, the crash from yesterday is affecting the service. here's pat warren with the latest from wjz. >> reporter: there's no such thing has a fender bender when train and tractor trailer collide. the train's not going to swerve and the tractor trailer can't slow down fast enough. he was on his way to work and his train stopped at gill roy road. >> well, they told us to get off of the train and start walking and then we saw the accident. i was in shock. >> reporter: the lead car was crushed and it takes 25 minutes to free the light rail operator and she's flown to shock trauma. no other serious injuries are reported and it takes 9 hours to peel the truck and the train apart. right now, the investigation of
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course is on going and that's what we're concentrating on, and then, of course, we'll see proceed. >> and the buses are bridging the gap for the commuters. >> and that's going to, of course, continue until the further notice. >> according to the mta, the signals were working and there's no crossing gate at that location. reporting from clipper mill, i'm pat warren. thank you, pat. here's what you need to know this morning. due to the mechanical damage, the bus bridge is still being used. all other stops will be operating normally. a 7-year-old is recovering from a crash yesterday. a school bus with special needs students slammed into a car at an intersection. a woman and three children were in the car.
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the impact didn't seem real, a woman said. >> somewhere, it was like i was watching a movie and the next thing i knew, the car was all the way up in the air. it hit. >> a woman and two boys in the car. [ indiscernible ] another passenger is recovering at johns hopkins pediatric. turning to sports orioles are fine tuning their skills as they count down to opening day. this morning, the birds came up short against the marlins yesterday and the birds had an early lead and the pitcher couldn't hold up the florida rally. the opening day is in two weeks. >> and come for the sports and stay for the food, the white cats unveiled a new delhi
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quasi. the -- new delhi quasi. the new delicacy. >> well, i'm getting this cheese steak thing down. well, are they going to have cardiology night, too? there. >> yeah, i think that a cardiologist ownes the team. well, the promotional opportunities are enormous. >> it will be sunny and 68 degrees. it's pleasant now, seasonal temperatures. i have a question for you.
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>> yeah. >> locally, where's your favorite cheese steak? >> i mean, i'll go to jones and drive to philly. >> yeah, i like that. >> and i mean, there's good ones locally. >> i can't think off of the top of my head, peppy's on falls road. they have a good one. look, there's neighborhood sub shops, too. we called all call them in. but i mean, someone driving out of town to get a cheese steak. >> go to philadelphia. >> is that what you're talking about. >> we'll think about it. ronnie. what you got? >> we're talking gardens. >> that's too healthy, you're done, we'll see you later. >> ha! it's the second year of the
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city hall garden and it's awesome. we'll tell you how you can volunteer. when the eyewitness news morning edition rolls on. ,,,,,,
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>> [no audio] >> i was getting ready to finish my steal cut oats and protein powder and fruit. i'm going to captain arby's and getting a sub. that's my vote for the best cheese steak. >> and 46% humidity and barometer, 29.81. it will rise throughout the day and it will give us a bit of a breeze. 48 hagerstown and 46 elkton and 350 d.c. and 48 easton and 47 ocean city. i got an e-mail from cumberland about a place in western maryland. i'll read it to you in a second.
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when it comes to like comfort food. dogs and things like that, everyone's got their favorites. 45 columbia and 50 d.c. and 50 degrees in annapolis. that was the cause of monday's rain. now, on the horizon, we have a cold front moving our way. and not that one, but this one. that's giving us showers friday and giving us cooler conditions as we move into the weekend. mostly sunny and breezy and 68 degrees today. that's 11 degrees above normal. 39 tonight and we'll cloud up tomorrow. 66 degrees and it feels damp and gray and raw. and saturday, cleared out and breezy and sunny and 52. sunday and monday, the mid-50s. here's christy with traffic control. well, don, we have a few
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issues on 50 eastbound, there's a vehicle fire causing problems and they have the sandy point closed and we have wind warnings issued on the bay bridge. we're seeing brake lights there up to the beltway on the north east side and the beltway continues to run smoothly northbound and southbound. and no complaints for the expressway, no reported accidents or delays. here's a look at 97 and not much activity there and here's a live look at the overpass from 50 eastbound. this report is brought to you by toyota. there's been a lot of people wonder about the recalls, to get the facts and the information, go to >> captain harvey's is it. >> yeah.
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and here's the thing, where was that? [ laughter ] >> people from frostburg go to dundalk. >> there it is, if you're in cumberland, the levaile. that's someone from columbia. who says america doesn't move on its stomach. and ron has salad. >> here we go. >> hey, loganville's shopping center. i've ordered six for us this morning there >> they're cooking them, i'm eating them. >> the city hall garden is back, the digging and planting and harvesting. guess what? this year, they're expecting a big bounty. right next to the daffodils at city hall is baltimore's
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garden. it's bare now. in a month or two, they'll see cabbage and vines filled with tomatoes. >> last year, volunteers planted eggplants and hot peppers and leaks. the harvest was bountiful and this year, it's different. >> we're growing fewer types of vegetables and more of each type. based on what the daily bread can use -- we won't be giving them what they can't use. >> they say that vegetables like kale and tomato and broccoli will be popping up this spring. they're just seeds now and they're hoping it sets an example. >> we're hoping it spurs them on to want to do this in their yard. >> and i'm at city hall and the
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acting city parks chief is kind enough to join us. good morning. >> where are we right now. we've done planning. >> well, we have the seedlings up and they'll bring them out saturday morning to do the planting. well, we did the story last year and this place went crazy. >> i mean, yeah, we did a fantastic job. volunteers from the master garden came down and worked the garden all year. >> and last year was a learning experience and they're making thanks here. >> fewer varieties, more kale and more cabbage and beans. >> what do we have saturday morning? >> it's the first planting date and they'll plant the lettuce
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and the kale and the cabbage and if people want to come out and volunteer, they can join us. call this number if you want to help out saturday with the volunteers at the city hall garden. give them a call and thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> have a good day and stay here, we're getting a cheese steak from captain harvey's. >> we're ready. >> we have the salad here, why not. >> i'm sitting here every morning, i'm like, the protein prouder and oats. >> and once in a while, you have to go for it. >> can you see andrea fujii's crew from there. >> i believe we can. we'll pan over. >> yes, there's andrea's crew, yes, she's waving to us. want a cheese steak, come on other.
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>> i just wondered because y'all are in close proximity. >> yeah, we are. coming up next on the morning edition. i was scared to death. this is the father of the baby found dead in druid hill park who lead the police to the body. he reveals new information about his troubled girlfriend charged with murder. ,,,,,,,,,,,
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the father of a baby reveals what happened and why he turned the mother of the baby into the police and the threat against his life. mike hellgren has the wjz exclusive. >> at this point, our lives are destroyed. >> reporter: the father is anguished over what happened to the baby and the mother of the baby, she killed the infant and dumped it in the druid hill park. >> i tried to make it right and
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this is one thing i couldn't fix, it's out of my control. >> reporter: they were arking a block from the park and she revealed the secret. >> did she tell you she buried the baby. >> yes, it wasn't really. she tooked me and showed me and she said air came out of the body. >> reporter: he led the detectives to the corpse. it wasn't easy. >> he's gotten death threats and he's scared to go back to his home. people are angry he snitched. >> i'm suffering so much, i feel like i'm already in prison. >> reporter: the baby had a fractured skull. >> i never seen her put her hands on him. >> reporter: do you know why? >> why would she bring this
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tragedy to all of our lives. >> he claims she's buy polar and off of her medication. [no audio] >> that nurturing thing that a mother is supposed to have. she had that and she wanted to keep this one. >> reporter: the father says because of the fear that social services would take the baby away, she wouldn't give birth in the hospital. >> they took the last child straight out of the hospital. i cut the cord. >> reporter: he doesn't believe she's a monster he said she needs counseling. >> she made a mistake, maybe she may have missed out. that was my life, that was my future. >> she is in jail right now on no bond. in druid hill park, mike hellgren.
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>> he also said that the police questioned him for ten hours and he's not charged in connection with the case. >> yet to come on the morning edition, $120 million must be cut from the city budget and today,the mayor will announce how to do that. that's just ahead. i'm tara mergener in washington and health care reform is now law, and the fight's not over, we'll have the latest, coming up. i'm kristy breslin in wjz traffic control. we'll see some delays on the inner loop. coming up on coffee with, the cast of "stomp" is in the house. they're at the hippodrome throughout the 28th. that's coming up next as the eyewitness newew
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let's go back to the left. waffling is back at dunkin' donuts. for a short time only, enjoy the return of the delicious oven-toasted waffle breakfast sandwich. america runs on dunkin'.
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it's 6:30 and you're waking up to a seasonal day start.
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we're waiting for a pretty sunrise. >> kristy breslin is in for share sharon -- sharon gibala. >> by lunch, we're at 61 and going to a high of 68. what awaits you on the way to work or school, here's kristy breslin. >> well, 50 eastbound, that's been reopened in both directions and as for the beltway, we have a new accident on the south westside of the inner loop and past the parkway on the shoulder. that's attracting plenty of attention and 95 southbound, still stop and go up to the beltway on the north eastside and it continues to be an easy drive on the harrisburg expressway. and as for the overall travel times. inner lupe to the beltway, 95 to 83 and you're looking at 11 minutes to get through.
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here's a live look at the beltway and no reported problems there and this is brought to you by toyota. there's been a lot of people wondering about the recalls, to get the facts and the information, go to >> and thank you, at the top of the new, fewer fire companies and police officers spread thinly across the city. both part of the grim possibility and the mayor will reveal the budget proposal and the cuts that go with itful andrea fujii has the latest. good afternoon -- i almost said good afternoon, good morning,. >> good morning, don. this is a budget crisis. now, some immune city services are no longer safe. for months that, i've closed some fire companies and now, there's the possibility that three will close permanently
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and firefighters are sounding the alarm. >> they're vital services. if you cut the services, people hurt and they die. at some point, people will say, what happened to the fire department, it's gone. >> reporter: the police department is waiting to see if they're on the chopping block. this could ground the police helicopter and disband the marine unit and there could be hundreds of officer lay offs. >> 200 cops is a district worth of police officers there's only so much copy paper you can cut from the police department and we've done our best to cut what we can cut. >> reporter: mayor stephanie rawlings-blake pitched through the budget and everything's considered for cuts. i've said several times that this budget was not going to be
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fun and the cuts revealed in the budget would be drastic and they would be felt throughout the city. >> still, some points aren't negotiable. >> there are basic core functions that the government should provide and one is to protect the citizens. >> reporter: the mayor will propose new tax hikes and fees for the public. all of the proposals are part of the worst case scenario. >> thank you, and the mayor says she'll refuse an automatic pay raise this year and very raises are also refused with city council members. some elementary schools could be closing. the school system spokesperson says there's no plan on closing
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schools, but the system's being studied. the enrollment is less than 65% in some schools. that could mean a reshuffling of students. >> the editor of the sun newspaper resigned. he brought print and online operations together. he accepted a position with the university of north carolina to launch a digital news center there and he was the editor since 2009. >> the sun's current head of print will be the current editor. an adult male was shot several times in the north east district. the homicide unit responded to the scene. a hundred young people spoke out against violence last
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night. the mayor police commissioner was there and so was the singer, mario. it's part of the youth prevention week celebration. and a snapshot of history, a look at the health care reform bill and there's the president's signature. it's signed and the work for the senate is not done just yet. here's tara mergener for wjz. >> i think the slogan is reveal and replace. >> reporter: the republicans are vowing to keep the law from passing and the lawmakers will reveal the 20 hour debate today. >> it takes a good bill and makes it a better bill.
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>> reporter: others are tended to -- this is an idea most would vote for, but in this case, democrats can't. any changes would send the measure back to the house for another vote. >> i know we can't fix it, it's a terrible bill. >> reporter: but the battle isn't taking place just in congress, more than a dozen states filed lawsuits claiming it's unconstitutional. >> congress has limited powers, the tenth amendment says, they don't include the power to pass a health care plan like this. >> reporter: the attorneys argue that the government can't force people to buy insurance. >> reporter: legal experts say that's highly unlikely. the white house isn't worried. instead, president obama will
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focus on selling the plan to the public tomorrow. they're also scrambling to fix a problem with the bill. it would still allow insurance companies to deny coverage to children with preexisting conditions until 2014. that will be fixed hopely today. the federal reserve board is improving new rules for gift cards. service fees are also restricted. the rules will take affect august 22nd this year. >> you could call it a black and white world, but now, there's an orange baby living in it. the orange baby is a newborn langer monkey. the color helps others recognize it.
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and a touch of hollywood comes to a baltimore county school. earl weber returned to his school. he won an oscar this year. the students got a look at hollywood's biggest prize. we were just talking about how in one year, we had two baltimorians winning academy awards. it's just as big of a deal for the editors as for the actors. they're the visual bling, but nonetheless, that shouldn't be diminished. check this out, i got this from a library media specialist. had to share.
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mo'nique and earl graduated from milford mill academy and oh, by the way, mesa lee, one of the best jazz singers and mario and bob turk. well, now, i recall, she did go there. >> and mario, he was just in the news. >> he was back in town for the violence conference. yeah. >> and let's give them a huge round of applause. that's wild. >> we're going to have to get earl weber on coffee with. >> coming up on coffee with. here's the website of "stomp." it's at the hippodrome. they day brewed the, debuted a decade ago. they change the show and if you've not seen it, it will get
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your attention. it's in town until the 28th. they walked in empty handed and grabbed broken pottery and pieces of the lights and sat down and did a coffee with and we do a web extra. it's off of the charts. stay tuned. stomp comes up on coffee with coming up and sharon gibala is taking the day off and kristy breslin is in traffic control and we'll have the first warning weather r ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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we're going for a high of 68. let's think about this. the heat of the day is between 2:00 and 3:00. we're on daylight saving's time. we'll go up 22 degrees, figure, basically in seven hours.
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and the barometer, 89 and 47 in elkton and 46 oakland and 50, d.c. and 48 degrees at the naval air and 46 in bel air and rock hall. and 50 d.c. and annapolis. and 49 degrees on kent island. monday's still a feature on here with the rain and as it pulls away, we'll have a cool breeze. that's not going to make it here but this one is. that will bring rain and showers friday and cooler temperatures into the week. and 68 mostly sunny and breezy. tonight, clear and partly cloudy, 39 and tomorrow, well, not a bad day and clouds moving in. 66 and it feels damp and raw friday and 53. sunday and monday, partly sunny, if you will and 56 both
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days, take it away. here's kristy breslin with traffic control. we're looking at several problems on the beltway. that's at 95. also, some delays on the westside outer lupe, it will take you ten minutes to security boulevard. still looking at the clean up, the accident is on the shoulder and that's attracting plenty of attention and that's a struggle from stop and go from whitemarsh. and we want to update you on baitman after. and here's a live look at south quarantine, not much activity to report. this is brought to you by toyota. there's been a lot of people wondering about the recall. to get more, go to here's what it boils down
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to. until the 28th, i think some of the best performance art i've seen is in town. i can tell you, hands down. this is something you'll want to see. they go by the name stomp. >> well, welcome. stomp is in the house. >> well, this is going to be interesting. yes, it is. >> what's going on? >> well, you guys invited us in today and we raided your studio and we got different things to play and we'll have funful >> they're our trash cans. we're also doing a web extra and we'll give you a performance from stomp after coffee with. legitimately, you all walked in and you said, let's see what you've got and you got trash cans -- do you do this
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everywhere. >> yes, when we go to tv studios. we raid the studio and see what you have to play. >> well, that's our ladder -- >> everything's ours. >> well, yeah, it's amazing. one of the lighting -- >> well, that element. >> watch that before you play. >> you could have gotten that on youtube. >> when you have a chance to audition for stomp, i love performance art. do you think to yourself. well, she's just getting around, don't worry. >> is this one of the best gigs you've had. >> when you audition, you don't just play on trash. you have tos you your body and brooms and polls and kitchen sinks and everything pretty much. >> what did you look for? >> well, that has a nice hollow
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tone. we look for different things with different tones and sounds. this is going to be your base drum and people who are particular with latin music, this sounds like that and this is a was i found in the trash can. these will give you nice rings and different things like that. that's what we look for, a variety. >> what are you going to do with a ladder. >> every step has a different sound. >> and then this? yeah, and he's playing the back of it. going down to harbor place and you see the plastic paint buckets. you did that in san diego? >> well, it was like a want to
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be stamp. >> and then all of a sudden, here's this organized tremendous world production called "stomp" and you're taking your talents to the hippodrome. >> yeah, i got trained for it. >> now, how much improvising do you do? it's 80% truckture and 20% we can do what we want. >> every night is completely different, we don't know what we'll do movement wise and musicalwise and what the audience will do either. and you'll react on the other side of the country, you're from honolulu. will you try to read the audience? yes, and we'll see what they're laughing at.
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i'm part of the comedic aspect of the show. you were smiling on that one. >> well, it's hard to do the show then. you'll laugh, we do laugh on the stage and especially, we all three do the comedic rolls. i never laugh at anyone. >> and you know what. >> i can play the tune, that's all right. >> well, really quickly, we'll take this to but, performance art, as i like to call it. you've been with the show ten years, have you seen it grow over the past decade in acceptance. there i seen it grow in acceptance and the best form is mimicry. there's so many different types
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of groups that want to be "stomp" and people doing things that we do and things like that. it's a great thing to be a part of that. >> well, i'll tell you what. we'll throw it into break and we'll have you taking us into the break and joining us again online. there and we'll tell you, sharon gibala has the tv traffic control and we're doing first warning weather and more. the morning edition continues after this. [stomp playing] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> we could be close to 70 and 40s now. now, over to kristy breslin. we're in for a busy ride if you're on the northbound outer lupe, we have delays and ten minutes from mar doctor what are -- harford to providence and delays from 795 to security boulevard and a crash to watch out for 795 at the beltway. congestion on 95 southbound, that continues from whitemarsh up to the beltway and another
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15 minutes to get through and another accident at baitman. we'll take a live look here and we'll see a little bit of volume building here. and this traffic report is brought to you by anne arundel medical center. to learn more, give them a call. now, back to you. in the head lines, mayor stephanie rawlings-blake is hours away from unveiling her budget proposal. on the chopping block, laying off 200 police departments and grounding the marine units. the mayor said it's a worst cassina yore -- scenario. another change for the baltimore sun. the editor has resigned. he' served since 2009. and stay with wjz-13, maryland's news station.
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maryland's news station. the reformrm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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